App is not opening

What did you do in the end to get it to load?

The error you have now sounds like the udev rules aren’t in place

From what I can tell I had to replace the APK with the latest one from the carlinkit website. But still just keeps crashing when I plug the Carlinkit in. It’s hard to tell what the issue is as I get different issues depending one when I try to load it.

If I reboot the auto run fails straight away and I get this error reasonably consistently:

Sometimes I will will get one about “swrast” not being able to load, but that is less often.

Swrast driver error is fine, that won’t cause it not to load, can you post the output of

ls /etc/udev/rules.d/

And also with the dongle plugged in

No worries:
pi@pi:~ $ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05ac:0304 Apple, Inc. Mighty Mouse [Mitsumi, M1152]
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04d9:0006 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. Wired Keyboard (78/79 key) [RPI Wired Keyboard 5]
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 123: ID 1314:1520 Magic Communication Tec. Auto Box
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2109:3431 VIA Labs, Inc. Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

pi@pi:~ $ ls /etc/udev/rules.d/
52-nodecarplay.rules 99-com.rules

Rules seem to be there and the device is showing in USB peripherals.

Double checking the 52-nodecarplay.rules in sudo nano the rule is there:
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“1314”, ATTR{idProduct}==“1520”, MODE=“0660”, GROUP=“plugdev”

All looks fine, when I am back I will do a fresh install and give it a test.

Only other thing I can suggest is that you have a decent power supply, as I have had it before with a rubbish cable that the pi drops power to the dongle as charging the phone through the dongle takes a fair amount of current.

I will be back at the weekend and I’ll update on here

Have you tried launching the AppImage with sudo?

I did, I get some error about not running in sandbox… ?

To rule out the dongle I installed linageOS on the Pi and was able to get CarPlay running via that, have done the react PI install again and back to the same issue. I’m at a loss.

ok let me do a new build, I will try and get it done tonight!

I’ve done a fresh test, everything worked fine. I’ve updated the setup-pi script. So delete the appimage, delete the cloned folder, do a fresh clone and run the script. Let me know how it goes

Ok have run and same issue, I can load to plug phone in screen and as soon as I plug in the dongle I get the same issue. I did manage to get this error in the screenshot on one attempt. Anyway doesn’t look like I can get it running. Thanks for the help though.

OK if that’s coming up when you plug the phone in then its 100% either not enough power to the pi (either cable or usb power supply) or it’s a faulty dongle, most likely to be the power. The dongle is dropping off when it is having to power the phone.


With your rebuild, did you happen to adjust the autodetect between 32 and 64 bit for the install script?

Yeah all done now, should download the correct version, and also show what it has detected in the logs. It also picks up the user name now too.

Hello, I’m a long time Linux user, but first time trying to do something with a raspberry pi. I have 32-bit raspbian installed and have chmod’d the Appimage to run it. However when I run it without sudo privs it gives one set of errors, and when I run it sudo’d (with --no-sandbox) I get the following error. Incidentally I have installed ffmpeg on the system via apt.

whats the error without sudo?

Here it is…although I just notice I ran the appimage from the full path, and not necessarily from the directory:

how about the output of hostnamectl did you build this yourself or is this the downloaded AppImage?

It’s showing that the built version of node-usb is not compatible with your OS, which is bizare to be honest! Although looking at the wall paper thats not bullseye

The dongle works fine in LinageOS on the same PI so can’t be the dongle. No idea what’s going on. Oh well was worth a try.