Navigate app using keyboard not working

navigate in carplay interface using the keyboard is not working at all. What could be the cause of this problem?

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What OS version are you using?

I installed using raspberry pi imager:
Raspberry Pi OS with desktop

Release date: December 5th 2023
System: 64-bit
Kernel version: 6.1
Debian version: 12 (bookworm)

I’m having this same issue. Raspberry Pi 5 with Bookworm 64.

Can you try and disable wayland and see if it has any effect?

No luck. Switched to X11 via terminal sudo raspi-config. Did not work. Reinstalled react CarPlay using ./ but still not working. Keystrokes are being properly recognized in the “Car” settings (bindings).

Let me know if I can test anything else out. I’m modifying an old Range Rover P38 gps head unit by replacing the screen with a touch enabled OLED. I’ve got React CarPlay up and running in 4:3 aspect ratio. Touch works perfectly. Would like to hijack the buttons and the rotary encoder on the head unit to act as keyboard inputs to control CarPlay.

Example image of the head unit I’m modifying:

Thanks so much!

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Hi, cool project! It’s on my list to investigate for sure. Shouldn’t be anything too major, I’ll get to it ASAP espescially know I know it’s for a landy :wink:

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@swansong I’ve just published a beta release that will hopefully fix the keybinding issue, could you download and give it a try please?

Apologies, I am very new to this so may need more detailed instructions. I’ve downloaded the AppImage, navigated to it on terminal, ran "chmod +x (filename).AppImage and then tried running the program. Getting a “Permission denied Failed to get fs offset for /proc/self/exe”.

how are you trying to run it?


Update: I redownloaded it and it worked! (no idea what changed) Keyboard functioning as expected! Thanks so much Rhys!

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