Hi! Fantastic project you have, i’ve been following it for a few months and i’m interested in the MOST interface for the raspberry pi.
I want to integrate this into my 2010 P3 Volvo XC60, which is about the same generation as your Land Rover back when Ford owned both brands so i’m hoping for a lot of similarity to help with the reverse engineering.
My end goal for my project is to add Android Auto capability into my aging car. I’ve reverse engineered most of the navigation computer hardware that integrates into the display and steering wheel controls.
In the back of the car there is a navigation computer that has RGB video output, MOST, power, and GPS. RGB / power / GPS are very easy to figure out and are directly connected to the display in front of the car. However, there’s a severe lack of MOSTbus reverse engineering resources on the internet, and I’m in no way a software developer. I have a highly technical background with over 10 years as a NASA engineer but most of my work is high level and not with embedded electronics or protocol reverse engineering.
Is there any plans on restocking the PiMOST hat so I can purchase one and start playing with my car? From my current plans, I will need to figure out how the following inputs and output from the MOSTbus on the car:
MOSTbus Inputs
- Steering wheel controls
- Microphone
MOSTbus Outputs
- Audio - likely by hijacking the AUX input controller that is also on the MOSTbus
This project can then be combined with the OpenAuto or CrankShaft project to integrate Android Auto on the Raspberry Pi.
If you are making a new run of the hat, please let us know and I’d be willing to buy one so I can start reverse engineering this car’s network.