Installation failed - 32 Bit OS not supported

Hello together,

I need help, installing the React-Carplay app.
I’m running the latest Raspbian for PC on my old HP 408 G1 Tablet.

After Cloning the directory and running ./ I get the following:

Creating udev rules
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“1314”, ATTR{idProduct}==“152*”, MODE=“0660”, GROUP=“plugdev”
Permissions created

checking for fuse packages
Checking for fuse: install ok installed
Checking for libfuse2: install ok installed
Downloading AppImage
32 Bit OS not supported

Since my Tablet appears to only work with 32 Bit Versions, I’d like to know if there’s a possibility to get it working anyways.

I’m also new to linux and command lines, so if you need me to provide more info, please tell me how to get it.

Thank you in advance.